There are multiple benefits of financial goal setting. By setting goals, you will be forced to keep track of your credit score and finances throughout the year. Setting financial goals can help you regain control over your finances. Below we listed a few tips to help you with your financial goal setting in the New Year:
Set Realistic Goals
Setting unrealistic financial goals will almost always lead you to failure. To be successful in goal setting, it is highly important to stick to realistic financial goals only. These goals may be a bit outside of your comfort zone, but they will help you keep your finances in check.
Make an Actionable Budget Plan
Making a budget plan and living by it is essential when setting goals in the New Year. Budgets are helpful because they will make a defined path for you in order to achieve your financial goals. You can plan a budget to monitor your expenses and savings every month in order to keep up with your goals. Creating an effective budget will also help you understand your financial limits and avoid overspending or going into debt.
Understand What Goes Into a Good Credit Score
Whenever you are planning goals for your credit, it is important to know what factors go into a good credit score. This will make it easier for you to maintain a good credit score and set effective goals.
Five key aspects that impact your credit score are:
- Your credit history
- Credit age
- Level of debt
- Recent credit
- A mix of credit
Understand which of these that you are struggling with and adjust your goals accordingly.
Limit Credit Card Applications
Multiple credit inquiries can negatively impact your credit score. To avoid any negative impacts on your credit score, it is important to only apply for another credit card when necessary. A new credit score can also reduce your average credit age.
Keep Your Focus Narrow
Most people try to set a large variety of goals every year, and struggle to keep up with all of them. Focusing on multiple goals at once will make it harder to progress and achieve what you want. Therefore, it is always recommended to keep your focus narrow and focus on your most important goals.
In Conclusion…
These are some important tips for setting your financial and credit score goals that will help you achieve your goals in a more effective way. If you follow these tips, you will be on the right track to improving your credit score in the New Year. If you are looking for more helpful credit repair articles, check out our Tips page!
If you are looking to start improving your credit, book a non-obligatory 30 minute appointment with us!