Are you having trouble applying for a loan or mortgage? Your credit score can greatly impact your loan approval ratings. If your credit score is not as high as you’d like, do not fear. Credit repair businesses will help you.
What is Credit Repair?
Resolving credit issues can be a complex and tedious process. Professional credit repair companies offer services to remove negative items from your credit report.
In short, a credit repair company will help you by:
- Reviewing your credit reports
- Identifying information that can be removed from your reports
- Recommending solutions on how to handle the negative information on your reports
- Assisting with communication with credit bureaus and debt collection agencies for disputes or negotiation
How to Pick a Reliable Credit Repair Company?
When looking at a credit repair company, you should consider the following:
- Services Offered
- Customer Service
- Accreditations and Reviews
- Price
Services Offered
There are a variety of solutions that can help improve one’s credit score. Different credit repair companies may different solutions.
For a comprehensive and long-term solution, you should consider companies that offer the following services:
- Helping you understand and interpret your credit reports
- Explain how your credit scores have been negatively impacted
- Develop strategies that will help rebuild your credit score
You should avoid companies that do the following:
- Recommend that you dispute accurate information
- Suggest to use false information for applications
- Promise incredible returns in a short amount of time
Customer Service
The credit repair process can be time consuming. You want to pick a company who can provide services that you are comfortable with. Make sure that you take the time to come up with a list and speak to a few companies. Most legitimate and reputable companies offer a free initial consultation to learn about your specific situation.
Whether you are doing a consultation online or in-person, remember to ask questions. Asking questions is a great way for you to get a sense of whether they are knowledgeable about what they do, and if they are helpful and transparent about their processes.
Accreditations and Reviews
To avoid any trouble in the future, make sure to do your due diligence to find out if your credit will be in good hands.
You should look into the following:
- Is the company licensed and registered?
- How is their track record?
- What do their clients say about them?
Fee structure may differ from company to company, so make sure you understand what is included in each company’s price. A transparent pricing structure is a good indication of the firm being fair and upfront about their practices.
If you are looking to start improving your credit, book a non-obligatory 30 minute appointment with us!